In general, the following steps will help you get started with the COLLAGE experience. The order is not critical and each organization may wish to develop their own evaluation process with an emphasis on one area over another.

  • Involve key management, executives and front line staff as well as your residents or clients early in the COLLAGE evaluative process;
  • Participate in at least one free, one-hour COLLAGE webinar;
  • Review a copy of the Community Healthy Assessment and Wellness Assessment forms;
  • Speak with consortium members about membership to better understand program logistics, challenges, resource requirements, and operational strategies for success;
  • Review and complete the Trial Period Operating Agreement and enclose a $500 non-refundable deposit;
  • Once COLLAGE has a signed Trial Period Operating Agreement on file, COLLAGE staff will work with you on several core areas, including:
    • securing executive and management buy-in
    • selecting assessment coaches and projecting staffing patterns
    • creating a deployment plan including communicating to the community about the program
    • designing a process for recruitment of residents
    • preparing for software implementation
    • managing and overseeing the program
    • using assessment data for program and service development, and improving healthy aging outcomes
  • Participate in three two-hour webinar training sessions on assessment and software;
  • Complete the Consortium and Business Associate Agreements;
  • Within 45 days of completion of the three training session, forward balance of first year fee;
  • Welcome to the COLLAGE!


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