"The COLLAGE reports contained key information in a visual format allowing us to easily identify the diagnostic profile of our residents across our continuum of care. Further drilldown revealed the actual number and percentage of the health risk challenges found in each community. We were particularly interested in knowing numbers of residents who had actual or potential challenges related to vision, falls, physical activity and activities of daily living which could impact their ability to remain independent. We now have access to information about our residents' health risks, and tapping into this offers us a treasure chest of data to guide decision making about the kinds of programs and services we ought to be developing. The COLLAGE reports proved to be a valuable grant development resource for the researchers, engineers, and physicians. The application of such information will be influential in positioning LHSC to continue to participate in wellness-based initiatives. We are ecstatic in what the new reports will help us achieve."

Denise Dickinsen, Vice President of Planned Growth and Development, Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, Irmo, SC


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