COLLAGE Web-based Healthy Aging Software Tools Now Available

November 2010

Kennett Square, PA – COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® (, a membership consortium of aging services organizations (including CCRCs, moderate-income and subsidized housing, and home care agencies) using an evidence-based assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes of older adults living independently, has announced that the new Web-based assessment tool is now available to current and prospective members

"Now that the new Web-based product is available we’re hearing from our members that this is a real turning point for them and their ability to measure healthy aging outcomes,” says Beryl Goldman, PhD, RN, NHA, Director for Kendal Outreach. “It’s a critical milestone for the COLLAGE product. The intuitive nature of the software combined with the exceptional reporting capabilities are truly innovative in our field, and our members are ecstatic with what they will be able to achieve now.”

To read the full press release, click here

Webinars and Events Coming Up

September 2010

Some events to share:

  • Free One Hour Webinar: An Introduction to COLLAGE, 2010 -- Learn More
    **Wednesday, October 20, 1:30 to 2:30, EST: to register, click here:
    **Thursday, November 11, 1:00 to 2:00pm, EST: to register, click here:
  • COLLAGE at AAHSA in Los Angeles - Our new web-based product including assessment tools, Healthy Aging Plans, reports, and reporting software will be demonstrated live in booth 1247. COLLAGE members will be around for informal discussion, too. We'll be co-presenting an educational session on Tuesday, 11/2 with Denise Vachon, The Park Danforth; Ellen O'Connor, Fairport Baptist Home Ministries; Kathryn Kelly, Orchard Cove; and, Robyn Stone, IFAS/AAHSA.

New Web-based Assessment Tool, Update

October 2010

We want to provide an update on the status of the COLLAGE software beta test process and plans to offer the new software to the rest of the COLLAGE membership and new consortium members.

  • Beta test users have been supplying detailed feedback and commentaries to the Center for Information Management (CIM) on the new software on a regular basis since the annual member meeting in Chapel Hill at the end of September. There have been several defects identified by beta testers as well as many excellent suggestions for improvements. CIM has programmed fixes to many items on an immediate basis, while other items are being logged on enhancement request lists.
  • CIM installed a major upgrade to the initial beta release version of the software on Friday, October 15. This version added many new capabilities, addressed usability issues throughout the application in response to user feedback, and included fixes, modifications, and minor enhancements to the software. Beta test sites will begin use of the system during the week of October 18.
  • An online meeting with beta test sites has been scheduled for Friday, October 22 to review their findings and opinions related to the adequacy and stability of the software and its readiness for broader distribution.
  • Based on the feedback from beta test sites, Kendal and CIM will make a determination about a timetable for offering the opportunity to convert to the new system to the remaining current members. It is anticipated that this will begin in early November.
  • CIM has discovered some minor server performance and stability issues in the production environment that will be addressed by a $10K application/web server upgrade.
  • CIM continues work on the portable edition of the new COLLAGE software, which will be available by the end of November. It is understood that, for some member organizations, the availability of this capability will be a prerequisite for their conversion. Each member will have full control over the timing of their conversion to the new system.


October 2010

COLLAGE will be exhibiting at AAHSA in LA -- in booth #1247. We'll be demonstrating the new web-based product including assessment tools, Healthy Aging Plans, reports, and reporting software. We will also be co-presenting an educational session, An Integrated Approach to Improve Healthy Aging Outcomes, on Tuesday, 11/2 from 8 to 9:30 with Denise Vachon, The Park Danforth; Ellen O'Connor, Fairport Baptist Home Community Ministries; Kathryn Kelly, Orchard Cove; and, Robyn Stone, IFAS/AAHSA.

We would love to visit with you at the AAHSA conference.

Our booth hours at AAHSA are:

  • Monday, 11/1, 12 to 3:30
  • Tuesday, 11/2, 12 to 3:30
  • Wednesday, 11/3, 12 to 3

Housing Demonstration Sites to Participate in COLLAGE Training

August 2010

Four current COLLAGE member sites (CCRCs) and two housing sites (The Park Danforth, Portland, ME and Fairport Baptist Homes, Fairport, NY) will be beta testing the new web-based software in September and part of October. As a beta site their key task will be identifying where there are glitches in the software so that they can be fixed immediately.

The current plan is to launch our housing sites sometime between early October and the end of November. The training process we envision includes:

Session I

A two-hour web-based assessment training event, it includes an overview of COLLAGE concepts and an explanation of how to complete the Community Health Assessment and Wellness Assessment. An explanation of the coding process during an interview will be covered. (Trainer: Sybil Schwartz, COLLAGE.)

**Prerequisite: Prior to the webinar, the user will become familiar with the Community Health Assessment and Wellness Assessment forms, and review coding instructions.

Session II

A two-hour web-based assessment training event, it includes responding to user questions about coding items on the Community Health Assessment and Wellness Assessment. An introduction to the healthy aging language with a focus on creating a Healthy Aging Plan will be covered. (Trainer: Sybil Schwartz, COLLAGE.)

**Prerequisite: Prior to the webinar, the user will conduct at least one Community Health Assessment and Wellness Assessment, ideally several, using paper forms; identify points of confusion to discuss on call; and, attend Session I.

Session III

A two-hour web-based software training event, it includes an explanation and demonstration of how to record information in the Community Health Assessment and Wellness Assessment leading to creation of the Healthy Aging Plan. (Trainers: Doug Zimmer and Sheresa Perry, Center for Information Management.)

**Prerequisite: Prior to the webinar, the user will attend Sessions I and II; and, complete several assessments using paper forms.

Special Symposium, "Integrating Data and Technology to Advance Healthy Aging — Implications for Aging Services Organizations" Planned for Chapel Hill, 9/27-28

July 2010

COLLAGE is sponsoring a special symposium titled, "Integrating Data and Technology to Advance Healthy Aging," on Monday and Tuesday, September 27 to 28, 2010 at Carolina Meadows in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The symposium is free of charge to aging services organizations. The full agenda for the event is here. Travel and accommodations information is here.

The purpose of the event is to communicate about the COLLAGE program as well as offer the opportunity to hear from and exchange ideas with researchers and other leaders from the field of aging on some critical questions including:

  • How are aging services organizations using outcomes to advance healthy aging and why does it matter? Why should it matter?
  • What are some opportunities for organizations to move their health and wellness programs forward and how is COLLAGE helping facilitate this?
  • How can some of the research data on healthy aging inform better practices in our field?
  • What are providers learning about the intersection and integration of data and technology to advance health and well being?

Featured speakers include: Dr. Jason Allaire, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University who has written about African American older adults and real-world cognitive functioning, social support in individuals with depression, and the interplay of health and problem solving; Dr. Robert Schreiber, Physician-in-Chief, Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Hebrew SeniorLife; AV Powell, principal, AV Powell and Associates; Dr. Majd Alwan, Director, Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST); and Gary Mohn, CEO, Alexian Village of Milwaukee. In addition, several COLLAGE members will address how assessment data is being used to advance healthy aging.

Some of the presentation themes will include:

  • Making Business Decisions with People in Mind
  • Follow the Yellow Brick Road -- COLLAGE in Historical Context
  • Memory Interventions and Everyday Competencies
  • Collecting Data with Strategic Planning Value
  • Golden Opportunities for Health Promotion Lead by Lay Leaders
  • Making Meaningful Program and Service Improvement with Assessment Data
  • Integrating a Data System and Understanding Future Aging Service Needs

Who Should Attend? Organizations who want to learn more about COLLAGE. CEOs and Executives; Wellness and Resident Services Managers and Directors; Physicians, Nurse Leaders and other interested staff from older adult communities; aging service providers interested in promoting healthy lifestyles and identifying needs, risks, and interests of their independent resident population.

Selected Faculty

  • Jason Allaire, PhD, Associate Professor, Developmental Psychology, North Carolina State University; Brightleaf Consulting Group, NC
  • Majd Alwan, Executive Director, Center for Aging Service Technology (CAST), D.C.
  • Melissa Batton, Wellness Nurse, Carroll Lutheran Village, MD
  • Denise Dickinsen, Vice President of Planned Growth & Development, Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, SC
  • David Gehm, CEO, Lutheran Home of Michigan, MI
  • Roberta Gray, COO, Carolina Meadows, NC
  • Elizabeth Howard, Nurse Practitioner and Researcher, Northeastern University & Institute for Aging Research, MA
  • Kathryn Kelly, Wellness Nurse, Orchard Cove, MA
  • Peter Kress, VP & CIO, ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Inc., PA
  • Kevin McCloud, CEO, Carolina Meadows, NC
  • Gary Mohn, CEO, Alexian Village of Milwaukee, WI
  • AV Powell, Principal, AV Powell and Associates, GA
  • Robert Schreiber, MD, Physician-in-Chief, Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Hebrew SeniorLife
  • Doug Zimmer, Principal, Center for Information Management, MI

To register for this event, click here.

Web-based Assessment Tool to Advance Healthy Aging for Affordable Housing Residents
COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® to Launch Demonstration Lab

June 2010

COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® has selected 20 sites nationally to participate in an affordable housing demonstration laboratory beginning October 2010. The chosen sites will use the COLLAGE new Web-based comprehensive assessment tools to advance healthy aging for housing residents and improve community outcomes

The selected housing sites include:

To read the full press release, click here.

"Growing Whole: How Research and the Multi-dimensional Wellness Paradigm are Reshaping Lifestyle", presented by Orchard Cove, Canton, MA

June 2010

Kathryn Kelly, Wellness Coach with Orchard Cove co-presented with colleagues at the Massachusetts Aging Services Association (MassAging) annual conference in May. The presentation, Growing Whole: How Research and the Multi-dimensional Wellness Paradigm are Reshaping Lifestyle Offerings for Older Adults, was about the launch of their innovative wellness initiative with the COLLAGE assessment tool serving as a cornerstone. Their premise--older people are seeking more from providers than the provision of security and needed health services. They want support for healthy aging. The program compared and contrasted the wellness programs of two MassAging members which seek to promote healthy aging. We understand from Kathryn that the presentation generated some significant interest and questions about COLLAGE from the attendees.

Subsidized Housing Demonstration Laboratory Application Deadline Extended

May 2010

COLLAGE will be selecting up to 20 subsidized housing sites nationally to participate in a demonstration laboratory and mini-consortium of sites that will have access to the COLLAGE comprehensive assessment tools when the new web-based software in launched later this year. A short application and program description including implementation steps, site expectation, and participation timeline are available on line here. Or, cut and paste this address into your Internet browser:

Applications are due no later than May 18.

Testing Assessment Data Collections Methods
COLLAGE wants to expand the current COLLAGE membership to subsidized housing sites nationally. We recognize that many housing sites may have very limited staff and/or technology resources. Still, we want to explore options for operationalizing this program. Our key question is: how do subsidized housing sites effectively collect assessment information despite very limited staff or technology resources? How do sites best secure internal and external resources to implement the identified interventions and programs needed by clients? Our goal is to test different assessment data collection methods and identify the most effective and viable ones.

Rationale for Using COLLAGE Assessments in Subsided Housing
Using the COLLAGE integrated assessment information tool to capture essential health and wellness information has great potential to help resource-deprived subsidized housing older adults live and age more successfully. Similarly, aging services organizations who offer affordable housing services are looking for ways to improve their ability to advise their clients on matters of health, wellness and successful aging; improve their management of risk; and more successfully link their clients to targeted community program and services that facilitate independence and reduce the risk of premature institutionalization.

The cost for subsidized housing sites to participate in this demonstration lab is $400/year, or, if a site has less than 80 clients, $5/client/year.

We have already selected over 10 sites in areas including Portland, ME; Fairport, NY; Atlanta, GE; and Columbus and Waverly, OH. We expect additional sites to apply before the May 18 deadline. We will select a diverse group with reference to geographic region, clientele, size and denomination, whenever possible.

For more information, contact Neil Beresin, or 610.335.1283.

COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® Signs Agreement with CIM to Create Web-based Assessment Tools

March 2010

COLLAGE has signed an exclusive agreement with The Center for Information Management, Inc. (CIM;, an Ann Arbor, MI-based company! CIM will create, deploy and support web-based tools, a second-generation software package, for COLLAGE members, consisting of an integrated assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve wellness outcomes.

The exclusive license agreement will deliver customized web software, data hosting, and support services from CIM for all COLLAGE consortia members across the country. The new platform will allow COLLAGE to better meet unmet demand for its services and expand its membership from the current 90 sites to over 400 sites in the next five years.

Read full press release.

Subsidized Housing Demonstration Laboratory Launched

February 2010

COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® will launch a subsidized housing demonstration laboratory initiative in the fall of 2010. A minimum of 15 subsidized housing sites nationally will be selected to participate and applications are now being accepted through April 1.

Using the COLLAGE integrated assessment information tool to capture essential health and wellness information has great potential to help resource-deprived subsidized housing older adults live and age more successfully. Similarly, aging services organizations who offer affordable housing services are looking for ways to improve their ability to advise their clients on matters of health, wellness and successful aging; improve their management of risk; and more successfully link their clients to targeted community program and services that facilitate independence and reduce the risk of premature institutionalization.

We want to expand the current COLLAGE membership to subsidized housing sites nationally and we don’t know enough about how the program is best operationalized in the subsidized housing setting. Our key question is: how do subsidized housing sites effectively collect assessment information with very limited staff or technology resources? How do sites best secure internal and external resources to implement the identified interventions and programs needed by clients?

To read or download the full program description and application, click here.

Live Webinar Launched

February 2010

Please join us for the live webinar:

An Introduction to COLLAGE,
The Art & Science of Healthy Aging®, 2010

COLLAGE has organized free monthly webinars to demonstrate the value of the program to a national audience. Highlights will include a short demo and overview of the new web-based software (unveiled later this year), and COLLAGE members on how they're using assessment data to target and promote new programs and services to improve healthy aging and quality of life.

Session objectives include:

  • Hear from COLLAGE developers and aging service organizations and understand how an integrated assessment tool is improving healthy aging outcomes for the residents they support.
  • Learn about specific types of data coming from a national collaborative of aging service providers using the same assessment tool and the implications for residents, aging service providers, and our field.
  • Consider the rationale for the development of an evidence-based assessment tool and the value it brings to participating aging service organizations.

To register for the next webinar scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 2010, 3:00 to 4:00 PM, click here: If you prefer to attend a webinar after March (or you’re reading this after March 25), click here.

To read our latest program description, click here; to learn more about being one of the first 50 Generation II Partners, click here.

Longwood at Home, an Affiliate of Presbyterian SeniorCare, Joins COLLAGE Consortium

February 2010

A big welcome to Longwood at Home, based in Oakmont, Pennsylvania and COLLAGE’s newest member! The first home-based continuing care program in western Pennsylvania, Longwood at Home provides healthy older adults and their families the opportunity for a lifetime of continuing care without giving up the comfort of - or investment in - their homes. This Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) “without walls” offers wellness programs, education, social events, care coordination, and asset protection.

To see our most recent member map, click here.

Seeking Generation II Partners

November 2009

We need and are asking for your help. We have contacted many of you regarding COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® and its progress to date. What we are looking for is 50 innovators in our field to step forward now! Why? Because COLLAGE is at a critical transition point in its evolution. Here are the facts:

  • COLLAGE has over 90 not-for-profit member sites in 14 states that are using our integrated assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes;
  • We are committed to opening up the program to additional retirement communities, and especially to subsidized and market rate congregate senior housing, and senior service agency sites;
  • AAHSA leadership is supporting and encouraging COLLAGE to dramatically expand its use by its member aging service organizations;
  • A new web-based software platform will be launched in early 2010. This will reduce the time and resources required for product installation and improve efficiencies for regular software updates;
  • COLLAGE must dramatically lower the cost to participants including current consortium members;
  • We are seeking foundation funding and must demonstrate that there is substantial interest and support in the second generation web-based product from aging service providers nationally.

How Can You Help? Please seriously consider becoming one of the next 50 innovators by participating as a Generation II Partner of COLLAGE. The invitation describes how you can do so, and outlines the benefits you’ll receive. Most importantly, with your modest, fully refundable deposit, you will be showing your support for innovation that promotes healthy aging for all seniors, through reliable data, that measures the quality of services and care we’ve been known for, in this “show me” age we’re serving in.

To read our latest program description, click here. We hope we can count on your interest and support.

Insight and Energy Displayed at COLLAGE Member Conference, Richmond, VA

October 2009

The COLLAGE member conference in Richmond September 29 through October 1 was a resounding success. Members, in full force (over 90% of the membership consortium participated!) brought enthusiasm, insight and energy to the table. We were particularly touched by the level of thoughtfulness/introspection in the evaluations this year, five pages worth -- whether it was a particularly positive comment or a suggestion for improvement. Really and truly an organizer's dream. A handful of our favorite comments are below:

  • "How lacking in the “wellness” part of my job I have been due to focus on daily demands of the clinic as well as COLLAGE work – I have seen attainable ways to improve."
  • "Really enjoyed/appreciated the sharing of ideas/challenges/solutions and the opportunity to have input into the web-based version. Thanks!"
  • "All discussions were helpful; chance to collaborate on the future of COLLAGE! and the R & D of our COLLAGE tool."
  • "I was a little worried about getting much out of it as a non-user. But, I have been able to make a 3-page plan of what needs to happen to get COLLAGE put in place by listening to how others did it and use it!"
  • "I was excited about the extent of programming that has been developed as result of COLLAGE."
  • "Ways in which our “champion” can most effectively keep the COLLAGE program in the forefront of our department heads/CEO/CFO/HR leaders minds (i.e., keeping it continuously important and growing, not just a 'flavor of the month program')."
  • "It was a great conference - very inspiring to see what is happening. Thanks for the great job in planning everything, both work and play.:- )"
  • "This conference had everything: information, networking, fun, great food and environment (even history of Richmond). Enjoyed getting to meet everyone!!!"
  • "Great conference! Can’t wait for all the new things to come in the future!!"
  • "The networking – talking candidly (at breaks, etc.) to other communities to find out their problems/answers was the best!!"

Three Opportunities at AAHSA Chicago

September 2009

COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging® is helping aging services organizations use outcomes to advance healthy aging in exciting ways, and we want to tell you about it. Please take advantage of three opportunities to spend some time with us at AAHSA in Chicago:

  • Join us for breakfast and a talk by R. Knight Steel, M.D., "All the Alternatives to Aging Are BAD!" on Monday, November 9, 6:45 to 8:00 a.m. at Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. From the perspective of a physician, researcher and former Chief of the Health of the Elderly Programme for the World Health Organization, Dr. Steel will address the "big picture" health issues of our time and their impact on aging services organizations. For reservations or to download a flyer:;
  • Visit us in the exhibition hall, booth #1342. View sketches of the new web-based application and the implications for significantly reduced cost for membership; talk to us about the 2010 pilot expansion and what it will mean to your organization and the field; hear how COLLAGE assessment information is used to improve lives, and target programs and services more effectively for improved outcomes;
  • Attend a concurrent educational session on how an integrated assessment information system can improve healthy aging outcomes in affordable housing residents: An Integrated Approach to Healthy Aging in Affordable Housing, Monday, November 9, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Nancy Eldridge (Cathedral Village, VT), Kathy Locke (National Church Residences, OH), Jacque Thornton (Aging Services of GA) and Robyn Stone (IFAS, D.C.) will co-present.

An empirical, data-driven approach that measures and tracks health and wellness in independence adds significant value -- who wouldn't want these program benefits?:

  • Improves continuity and planning across the continuum of services;
  • Provides individual residents with customized information and a wellness roadmap to manage their own health;
  • Identifies needed services to maximize abilities and functions in older adults as determined by outcomes;
  • Evaluates and influences the systems of services/care;
  • Helps an organization emphasize health promotion and adaptation;
  • Facilitates informed data-based choices about risk and level of care/service decision;
  • Improves individualized service plans and organizational performance through data;
  • Captures health and social information of an older population in aggregate housing to evaluate the effects of "aging in place";
  • A data repository on diverse styles of independent aggregate housing with diverse levels of support and service that is utilized in research initiatives.

We hope to meet up with you in Chicago!

COLLAGE Offers Prospective Members Opportunity to Attend Conference in Richmond

August 2009

For the first time, COLLAGE is offering the opportunity for prospective members to attend its member conference on the campus of Westminster Canterbury Richmond in Richmond, Virginia, September 29 through October 1. The conference is open to no more than ten individuals from outside the COLLAGE consortium on a first-come, first-serve basis. A few of the conference details include:

  • Sketches of the second generation of the COLLAGE software, a first-time web-based application expected to be out in early 2010, will be reviewed;
  • Several COLLAGE members will present on how they're using COLLAGE data for program development and quality improvement, and creative ways to get increased participation of residents and staff;
  • Majd Alwan from the Center for Aging Services Technology (CAST) will speak -- if you haven't heard him, he's a terrific presenter and a great resource;
  • Information about the "take home" message coming out of the COLLAGE national repository data will be presented;
  • A tour of the Westminster Canterbury Richmond campus, a special group dinner on the first evening, a walking tour of the Richmond Slave Trail and a canal cruise of the historic downtown area are offered -- all optional.

Do you want to learn more about COLLAGE and how it is helping organizations use assessment information to drive targeted programs and services to improve healthy aging outcomes?

We encourage you to speak with any COLLAGE members or presenters during meals, in between, or before/after conference sessions. Since the conference is designed for COLLAGE members, we ask that hold your questions/comments and if needed, write them down. We'll find a way to get them answered during the proceedings. For conference registration or to review the agenda, contact

A COLLAGE member recently wrote:

"...I'm excited to be able to develop targeted programs and resources that will best meet the needs that we've uncovered....My hat is off to you. COLLAGE is an incredible product with a dedicated team of professionals supporting it." Click here to read the full quote and additional testimonials.

COLLAGE Annual Member Conference Scheduled for September 29 through October 1 – Westminster Canterbury Richmond to host event

July 2009

Westminster Canterbury Richmond, a COLLAGE member, has graciously offered to host the fall member conference and all meetings will be on their campus in Richmond, Virginia. The Richmond region has a unique heritage -- four centuries of history and modern-day culture come together with unprecedented accessibility -- magnificent architecture, monument-lined cobblestone streets, and world-class museums.

The COLLAGE member conference helps COLLAGE organize and prioritize future software releases that impact assessments and reports. It also helps determine training needs that would improve the program for everyone. The conference offers members a terrific opportunity to spend time with one another and the COLLAGE developers. Ample time will be set aside for taking in the sites and sounds of Richmond including a narrated canal cruise down the James River and Kanawha Canal and a walking tour of the Richmond Slave Trade. Please contact Neil Beresin at 610.335.1283 or for more information.

Pictures from the 2008 Member Conference hosted by Franke at Seaside in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, are available to view here!

"FutureAge Article Features COLLAGE"

March 2009

COLLAGE was featured in a story on achieving wellness in the March/April 2009 issue of FutureAge. Click here, Achieving the Balance of Wellness, to be taken directly to the article on the AAHSA website. Or, if you want to see the range of featured stories go to

"Carroll Lutheran Village, Westminster, MD, Joins COLLAGE"

February 2009

Carroll Lutheran Village (CLV) is the newest member of COLLAGE. Lynn Glaeser, Director of Wellness, was instrumental in bringing the program to CLV. "We needed a tool that would provide a window into our residents' interests and changing needs, and in turn offer accurate data to help us develop the best health and wellness programs," commented Lynn. "COLLAGE will be instrumental in meeting our core mission -- to help our residents age more gracefully and successfully." Welcome Carroll Lutheran Village!

Read press release

"National Church Residences Expands COLLAGE to 21 Affordable Housing Residences and 4 Adult Day Health Centers in Central Ohio"

January 2009

National Church Residences (NCR) with headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, has signed an agreement with COLLAGE, The Art and Science of Aging® to expand the program to hundreds of additional older adults in central Ohio starting in February, 2009. It will bring the number of NCR communities participating in COLLAGE to 55.

Read press release

"Aging Services of Georgia Submits Grant Proposal to Launch COLLAGE in 12 Low-Income Housing Residences"

January 2009

Aging Services of Georgia and the Georgia Institute on Aging has submitted a grant proposal to The Rich Foundation, Inc. and The Mattie H. Marshall Foundation Trust to bring COLLAGE to several of its member organizations. If accepted, the grant would enable COLLAGE to be launched in 12 affordable housing sites, in Metro-Atlanta and throughout Georgia.

Read press release

"National Church Residences Brings COLLAGE to Residents of Affordable Senior Housing"

September 2008

National Church Residences (NCR), the nation's largest not-for-profit developer of affordable senior housing, has partnered with COLLAGE to bring a continuum of care to 23 communities throughout central Ohio. For the past year, NCR has participated in COLLAGE at two Continuing Care Retirement Communities, and three senior housing residences. "The partnership will help expand our obligation to provide the best quality of life possible to our residents," said Jerry Kuyoth, Senior Vice President, COO, of NCR Health Care. "The program ensures our residents a viable option to age-in-place in the community that they've come to call home." As adult service providers, the membership of NCR helps provide a framework of evidence-based interventions, and creates an environment for residents and staff to identify a plan for healthier aging.

"COLLAGE Members' Conference Scheduled for November 5 through 7 in Charleston, South Carolina"

August 2008

Franke at Seaside, a ministry of Lutheran Homes of South Carolina and a COLLAGE member, has graciously offered to host the members' conference this year and all meetings will be on their campus. Franke at Seaside is located minutes away from beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and the historic city of Charleston. Franke is a part of the Seaside Farms planned residential and retail development, offering a broad range of shops, restaurants and many other amenities within walking distance of the campus.

A major theme this year is the most important needs of members and some of the planned changes that are in the works for the 2009 release of the COLLAGE software. The members’ conference helps COLLAGE organize and prioritize future software releases that impact assessments and reports. It also helps us determine training needs that would improve the program for everyone. In addition, members will enjoy a tour of Franke and Seaside and a horse-drawn carriage ride and tour of downtown Charleston. Please contact Neil Beresin at 610.335.1283 or

"COLLAGE Exhibiting at AAHSA Philadelphia"

August 2008

You can view the COLLAGE assessment tools and reports via a live connection, discuss how you might operationalize the program and talk to members who are proud of how COLLAGE is adding value to their organization. We will be in booth 1200, adjacent to the main entrance to the exhibition hall and we’d love to visit with you.

"Advancing Healthy Aging: A Data-driven Approach" to be presented at AAHSA Philadelphia"

August 2008

On Monday, October 13 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Beryl Goldman, Director, Kendal Outreach and COLLAGE, will co-present with Sue Matthiesen, Managing Director, CARF-CCAC and Aging Services; Gary Mohn, CEO, Alexian Village of Milwaukee; and Richard Olsen, CEO, Vibrant Living Communities. During the session you’ll hear from the AAHSA members about their experience using heath and wellness assessment data to advance healthy aging for independent older adults and improve outcomes. Consider how organizations are using assessment data from their residents/clients to increase staff accountability and track the quality of their health/wellness operations.

"COLLAGE Symposium Equips Participants to Advance Healthy Aging"

August 2008

The symposium in Chicago was a whirlwind and, in our unbiased opinion, very successful. A lot of information - provided by fifteen well-prepared speakers - was packed into a 24-hour period. COLLAGE staff left feeling energized, thinking about how powerful an event like this can be and committed to finding ways to re-create this experience for other COLLAGE members and potential members. We were overwhelmed by the participants' positive comments. Some of our other personal favorites include:

  • “A highlight was hearing how other organizations implemented COLLAGE. I am excited about bringing COLLAGE to our community for all levels of the continuum plus community-based services.”
  • “I particularly enjoyed the “real life” examples from communities using the COLLAGE program and the examples of how the program impacted operations. Seems like a pretty neat tool.”
  • “All presentations were high quality – clear, passionate and energizing.”
  • “This was very informative. I came in pretty skeptical. This program allowed me to truly see the benefits that are involved for residents/staff.”
  • “An excellent symposium – numerous presentation stood out. Thank you!
  • “With reference to balance, fitness, mobility and promoting wellness -- inspirational -- I want and need to start a program in our facility for independent living.”
  • “Great presentations by users showing impact from various perspectives, e.g., individual, community, etc. Focus on healthy aging very important.”
  • “I loved that the experience of each community was different. The “What works and what doesn’t” portion brought out that in one organization a COLLAGE nurse worked well and in another it decreased the buy-in of others. The unique aspects of this topic were very helpful.”

Click here to read more symposium highlights.

"Westminster Canterbury Richmond Joins COLLAGE Member Consortium"

July 2008

Westminster Canterbury Richmond, of Richmond Virginia, has joined COLLAGE, which now includes over 50 communities in 19 states. Westminster Canterbury was founded in 1975 by the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and the Presbyterian Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. “COLLAGE fits perfectly with our goal for healthy aging -- to strengthen the body, inspire the mind and nurture the spirit of each person at Westminster Canterbury Richmond,” said Donald Lecky, CEO and President. Read press release

"Program Abstract Accepted for Presentation"

April 2008

COLLAGE's program "Using Health and Wellness Assessment Data to Advance Healthy Aging in Independent Older Adults" was presented at the 2008 Long Term Care Health Information Technology Summit on June 9th. The Summit was co-sponsored by AHIMA, AHCA/NCAL, AAHSA/CAST, AMDA, and NASL and was held in Baltimore, Maryland. The COLLAGE program focused on the experiences of aging services providers who participate in the COLLAGE consortium. Each forum participant presented an overview of how assessment data has been used to advance healthy aging.

"Using Health and Wellness Assessment Data to Advance Healthy Aging in Independent Older Adults" Accepted for Presentation at Long Term Care Health Information Technology Summit in June"

April 2008

The program "Using Health and Wellness Assessment Data to Advance Healthy Aging in Independent Older Adults" has been accepted for presentation at the 2008 Long Term Care Health Information Technology Summit on June 9th. The Summit is co-sponsored by AHIMA, AHCA/NCAL, AAHSA/CAST, AMDA, and NASL and is being held in Baltimore, Maryland. The program will focus on the experiences of aging services providers who participate in the COLLAGE consortium. Each forum participant will present an overview of how assessment data has been used to advance healthy aging.

"Kendal Charitable Funds Makes Grant to COLLAGE"

March 2008

Kendal Charitable Funds has awarded a grant for $50,000 to Kendal Outreach, LLC, to increase communication about and promote COLLAGE via its website. "COLLAGE will make a difference," according to Beryl Goldman, Director for Outreach, Kendal Outreach LLC. "It is great to see the Kendal Charitable Funds support an area that is not usually a focus for institutions. Most organizations concentrate on the institutionalized rather than independent older adult. COLLAGE will assist people in maintaining the highest level of their independence by identifying health and wellness changes early and recommending appropriate intervention. Increasing the visibility of COLLAGE’s merits via the internet is critical to the success of our goal. By making COLLAGE available to more committed communities we further its objective of independent living for vital seniors. This grant will help bring COLLAGE’s vision into reality." Read press release

"Mennonite Health Services Alliance and COLLAGE Sign Agreement"

February 2008

COLLAGE has reached an important agreement with MHS Alliance. The agreement opens the door for MHS Alliance members to join COLLAGE at a multi-site discount rate. "We are encouraged by what COLLAGE has been able to offer organizations across the country....The program is committed and positioned well to help communities advance their most important healthy aging goals," said Keith Stuckey, Vice President of MHS Alliance. Read press release

"Lutheran Homes of South Carolina Brings COLLAGE to Their Home Services Clients"

January 2008

We're delighted to report that Lutheran Homes of South Carolina (LHSC) has added their BeWell Home Services clients to the COLLAGE family as of January 1, 2008. As their sixth "community" to join the COLLAGE family, it means that any client who comes in through their home care division door will be assessed using the Community Health Assessment and Wellness tool of COLLAGE. Welcome! We look forward to helping LHSC staff and home care clients advance healthy aging.

"COLLAGE Welcomes Lutheran Homes of Michigan"

October 2007

Lutheran Homes of Michigan (LHM) has joined COLLAGE. “It’s an exciting time for us to participate in this endeavor,” said LHM’s CEO and President, David Gehm. "We’ve been actively looking for a way to improve our ability to advise our residents on matters of health, wellness and successful aging, as well as enable us to develop stronger system-wide interventions and outcomes. Participating in the membership consortium and using the COLLAGE tools will give us the opportunity to collect and organize resident health and wellness data and will add a level of individual and program evaluation that we haven’t had up to now. We’re thrilled to participate and look forward to working closely with consortium members and developers,” said Gehm. Read press release


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